Valentine’s Day, 1947Margarita’s parents met when her father, an artist from Los Angeles, California, traveled to Trinidad, Cuba, after seeing photos in the January 1947 issue of National Geograph…
Nonfiction, Memoir & AnthologiesAmerica Is in the Heart, by Carlos Bulosan (University of Washington Press)Eye of the Fish, by Luis Franc…
In addition to his better-known work as a writer of comics and novels, Alan Moore has built a considerable body of spoken-word albums, most created in conjunction with a collective known as Moon and S…
Han Kang. Photo by Baik Dahum.What are you currently reading? Victor I. Stoichita’s A Short History of the Shadow …
From Buddha Jumps, issue 1 of Folder Attacks (nos:books, 2014)nos:booksTaipei, Taiwanwww.nosbooks.comI first encountered nos:books at the 2014 edition of the New York Art Book Fair,…
- The New York City phone booth libraries featured in WLT's July 2012 Outpost and in this interview with their inventor John Locke are an innovative immersion of books into urban setti…