WHAT DO TWO LATE masterpieces by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky, Demons (1872) and The Brothers Karamazov (1880), have in common, apart from the technical fact that the action…
Zoran Živković
- Belgrade, Serbia. Cadmus Press. 2016. 608 pages.Around the world, in over twenty-three countries and twenty languages, readers have long delighted in the works of visionary Serbian fantasist Zoran Živ…
- The Ghostwriter. Alice Copple-Tošić, tr. Belgrade, Serbia. Zavod za udžbenike. 2009. 892 pages. RSD1895. isbn 978-86-17-16436-0 The Five Wonders of the Danube…
- Četvrti krug (Polaris, 1993) The Fourth Circle (Ministry of Whimsy Press, 2004), tr. Mary Popović, afterword (1) "A Brief History of The Fourth Circle" by Zoran Živković, af…
- While waiting for a train, a woman enters a teashop and decides to act with uncharacteristically reckless abandon. She orders the most unusual tea on the menu: tea with stories. In this s…