Sylvie Weil

Photo © R. Espinoza Rios

Sylvie Weil grew up in Paris and earned her degrees in classics and French literature at the Sorbonne. She is the author of numerous works of literary fiction and memoir, including At Home with André and Simone Weil and also a series of three young-adult novels set in Champagne at the time of the first Crusade. The first of this trilogy, Le mazal d’Elvina, won the Prix Sorcières, one of the most prestigious prizes awarded in France for the best novel for young people.

  • Sylvie Weil
    Photo: Chris Devers/FlickrA bar mitzvah brings multiple generations of a family together in celebration, far from the reach of the evil eye.NEW ROCHELLE,…
  • Sylvie Weil
    Paris. Buchet/Chastel. 2013. ISBN 9782283026274Sylvie Weil has recently written a couple of fine books about family life, but in neither case are the families she describes conventional ones. In C…