Norma E. Cantú currently serves as the Norine R. and T. Frank Murchison Distinguished Professor of the Humanities at Trinity University in San Antonio. She recently received the Luis Leal Award for Distinction in Chicano/Latino Literature. She is the author of the award-winning Canícula: Snapshots of a Girlhood en la Frontera. She has published poetry in a number of venues including Prairie Schooner, Feminist Studies, and the Latina/Chicana Studies Journal. Her novel Cabañuelas, A Love Story will be out in spring 2019. She is cofounder of CantoMundo, a space for Latin@, poets and a member of the Macondo Writers Workshop.
Emmy Pérez is a Chicana poet and writer. She grew up in Santa Ana, California, and graduated from the University of Southern California. She later attended Columbia University where she r…