Leeds, UK. Peepal Tree. 2023. 149 pages.
Kwame Dawes traces both his literal return to Sturge Town, perhaps the most famous of the free towns established for postemancipation Jamaica…
Kwame Dawes
- Sheep’s Head Lighthouse / Photo by John Finn / Flickr Author’s note: For about seven years now, Kwame Dawes and I have been writing long poem-dialogues that have so far appeared as f…
- Photo by Koshu Kunii / Unsplash Series editor’s note: Kwame Dawes’s poem is a powerful piece to start off the Black Voices series, and one that fits perfectly into the outrage of the…
- Evanston, Illinois. Triquarterly Books / Northwestern University Press. 2017. 218 pages.City of Bones: A Testament is an impressive collection of poems, divided into four parts, which employs…