Jaime Huenún Villa (b. 1967, Valdivia) is an award-winning Mapuche-Huilliche poet whose latest collection of poetry, Crónicas de la Nueva Esperanza / Chronicles ofNew Hope, is forthcoming from Lom Ediciones. He has received numerous awards, including the Pablo Neruda Prize (2003), a Guggenheim Fellowship (2005), and the Chilean National Council on Arts and Culture’s Best Work of Literature 2013. He has also edited several anthologies of Mapuche and other Latin American Indigenous poetry. He works in the Ministry of the Cultures, Arts and Patrimony of Chile. Photo by Alvaro de la Fuente Farré
Art Courtesy of Mapuche artist Eduardo Rapimán Marín
Ül of Catrileo
Matías Catrileo Quezada was killed at point-blank range on January 3, 2008, in the village of Yeupeco, commune of Vilc…