George Gömöri
- Photo by Piotr Wójcik, Agencja Gazeta / Courtesy of Zbigniew Mentzel’s Kołakowski: Czytanie świata (Wydawnictwo Znak, 2020) is the first full-length biography of…
- Clive Wilmer & George Gömöri, tr. Beeston, Nottingham. Shoestring Press. 2013. ISBN 9781907356834 Upon hearing that George Gömöri has lived in England since 1956, someone remarked that Gömöri…
- Pécs. Pannonia Könyvek. 2014. ISBN 9789639893870This charming little poetry book, Rózsalovaglás (Riding with roses), is George Gömöri’s latest production. Rarely does a slim book contain…