Daljit Nagra

Daljit Nagra comes from a Punjabi background. He was born and raised in London, then Sheffield. He has won several prestigious prizes for his poetry. In 2004 he won the Forward Prize for Best Individual Poem with “Look We Have Coming to Dover!” This was also the title of his first collection, which was published by Faber & Faber in 2007 and won the Forward Prize for Best First Collection and the South Bank Show Decibel Award. Nagra is on the board of the Poetry Book Society. He has judged the Samuel Johnson Award 2008, the Guardian First Book Prize 2008, the Foyles Young Poets Competition 2008, and the National Poetry Competition 2009. He has also hosted the T. S. Eliot Poetry Readings 2009 and is a regular contributor to radio programs.

  • Daljit Nagra
    Ah the Raj! Our mother-incarnate Victoria Imperatrix rules the sceptred sphere overseeing legions of maidens’ “fishing fleets” that break the waves to net the love of a heaven Eton…