Clemens Setz (b. 1982, Graz) is an Austrian poet, novelist, playwright, and translator. He is the author of the novels Söhne und Planeten (2007; Sons and planets) and Die Frequenzen (2009; Frequencies). His play Mauerschau (View from the walls) premiered in Vienna’s Schauspielhaus. He was awarded the Ernst-Willner-Preis (2008), the Bremer Literaturpreis (2010), and the Outstanding Artist Award (2010). His novel Die Frequenzen was shortlisted for the German Book Prize in 2009 (see Ross Benjamin’s review on page 65 of the print edition). In his recent interview with Peter Constantine, Setz discusses the in-betweenness of writing both poetry and fiction.
To a Poltergeist in the Bedroom’s Northward WallYour senile hollow knocking hasremained ever the same, nodevelopment, no punctuation,you repeat yourself day after day,night afte…