Clare Sullivan

Clare Sullivan is Associate Professor of Spanish at the University of Louisville and Director of their Graduate Certificate in Translation. She has published translations of Argentine writer Alicia Kozameh's 259 saltos, uno inmortal (2001; Eng. 259 Leaps, the Last Immortal, 2007) and Mexican Cecilia Urbina's Un martes como hoy (2004; Eng. A Tuesday Like Today, 2008) with Wings Press. She received an NEA Translation Grant in 2010 to work with the poetry of Natalia Toledo (see WLT, Jan. 2011, 20–21).

  • Clare Sullivan
    ¡Ay! diidxazá, diidxazá diidxa'rusibani naa, naa nanna zanítilu dxi guiniti gubidxa cá.Oh, Zapotec, dear Zapotec language that gives me life, I know you will not dieuntil the…