Bridget Pitt


Bridget Pitt has published poetry, short fiction, nonfiction, and three novels. She has co-authored the memoir of Sicelo Mbatha, a spiritual wilderness guide from Mfolozi, and has written on creating community-centered approaches to nature conservation. Her novel Eye Brother Horn, which explores the social and ecological impacts of colonialism in South Africa, will be published by Catalyst Press early in 2023.

  • Bridget Pitt
    Minneapolis, Minnesota. Catalyst Press. 2023. 278 pages. BRIDGET PITT’S Eye Brother Horn could have been a saga of empty gestures, unearned revelations, and inconsequen…
  • Bridget Pitt
    Bridget Pitt, author of the novel Eye Brother Horn, reflects on how South Africa’s colonial history, and the entanglement of nature conservation with social inequality and violence, mea…