Alonso Cueto

Alonso Cueto is a Peruvian novelist and author of several short stories and essays. He has won several international distinctions including the Premio Wiracocha and the Herralde Prize in 2006. Cueto’s work has been translated into 15 languages, including Chinese and Korean. 

  • Alonso Cueto
    Austin. University of Texas Press. 2020. 232 pages. THE WIND TRAVELER is the latest novel to appear in English by Alonso Cueto, an author known for his Redención…
  • August 17, 2016 Alonso Cueto
    Copyright Maaboret – The Short Story projectThe Short Story Project is a non-profit venture dedicated to promoting the art of storytelling across the world, our mission is to advance short story liter…
  • Alonso Cueto
    Frank Wynne, tr. London. Heinemann. 2012. ISBN 9780434019410The Spanish edition of Alonso Cueto’s The Blue Hour was awarded the coveted Premio Herralde de Novela when it was first published i…