Sonia Alland


Sonia Alland translates from the French and the Catalan. Her works by the French writer Marie Bronsard include The Hermitage (2001) and The Legend (2013). Also from the French are the poems of Salah Al Hamdani: Baghdad Mon Amour (2008) and Baghdad, Adieu (2018). Translations from the Catalan include Portbou: A Catalan Memoir with Selected Stories from We, Women, by Maria Mercè Roca (2020), and selections from the work of the Catalan poets Salvador Espriu and Narcís Comadira.

  • November 11, 2020 Narcís Comadira
    Käthe Kollwitz, Pietà (Mother with Dead Son), 1937 (enlarged by Harald Haake in 1993), Neue Wache, Unter den Linden, Berlin / Photo by deadmanjones / Flickr / Original sculpture in the K…
  • February 26, 2019 Salvador Espriu
    Photo by Daniel García Peris / Flickr   The Pounding of Hoes The pounding of hoes — don’t you hear them? Behind high stone walls, unceasing, yet slow, beyond the fo…