Minneapolis. Graywolf Press. 2023. 108 pages.
Ten Planets, a collection of fantasy and science fiction stories, is Yuri Herrera’s most recent work to appear in English translation. Herrera has been m…
Lisa Dillman
- St. Louis. Dorothy Project. 2022. 280 pages. ENGLISH-LANGUAGE readers finally have the chance to enter into the beguiling, menacing, and strangely poignant world that one of Mex…
- Oakland, California. Transit. 2021. 157 pages. THE THEMES OF exile, immigration, and displacement have been recurrent in the literature of the Southern Cone since the region’s confli…
- Sheffield, UK. And Other Stories. 2021. 272 pages. THIS COLLECTION BRINGS together three superb novellas by Yuri Herrera that had been previously published separately in English…
- Boston. Mariner Books. 2020. 208 pages. ANDRÉS BARBA’S A Luminous Republic is a hell of a little novel. The Spanish writer returns to one of his favorite types of peopl…
- New York. And Other Stories. 2020. 120 pages. I’D READ TWO NOVELS written by Yuri Herrera before A Silent Fury. They were both masterpieces of brevity. The restraint an…
- New York. Other Press. 2020. 688 pages. VICTOR DEL ÁRBOL served as a Catalan police officer for two decades ending in 2012, so one would naturally expect him, as with writers li…
Photo: www.flickr.com/people/fineplanWhen you are a pestilent being the world stops being pestilent. Or does it?Each night Rafa stares at the vestibule in hatred until those in line…
- London / New York. And Other Stories. 2015. 114 pages.Makina is in charge of a small Mexican town’s telephone. A reliable messenger, she knows how to keep a secret and when to keep her mouth shut. She…