Jacquelyn Pope

Jacquelyn Pope’s first collection of poems, Watermark, was published by Marsh Hawk Press; Hungerpots, her translation of the Dutch poet Hester Knibbe, was published by Eyewear. She is the recipient of a 2015 NEA Translation Fellowship and a 2012 PEN/Heim Translation Fund grant.

  • February 8, 2017 Hendrik Marsman
    Seb, “Gilded/Glider,” Amsterdam, October 8, 2008from Zodiac Early in the morning he wanders through the city.The silence is unnerving, and quickly the streetraises empty eyes to…
  • January 25, 2017 Elisabeth Eybers
    Antti T. Nissinen, “Untitled” (spirit level), May 25, 2011Homesickness A house is something that stands up to a slopeby what it confronts on every side.But take note: say house in this c…