Gulzamira Mambetalieva is a senior English lecturer at Kyrgyz National Balasagyn University in Bishkek. An active translator of Kyrgyz, Russian, and English literature, she is the author of A Path from the Village (Bishkek Press, 2012) and Glossary of Psycholinguistic and Neurolinguistic Terms and Interpretations: Essays and Extracts (Bishkek Press, 2013), and the compiler of Munur Mambetaliev: Honest as the Spirit (Uluu Toolor Press, 2015), the collected poems of Munur Mambetaliev.
A Kyrgyz Soviet tomb / Photo by Evgeni Zotov / Flickr
Friend, when you visit cemeteries, don’t be afraid.
All the dead are Kyrgyz, and most of them you know.