Painting by Mehdi Qotbi (b. 1951, Rabat) / Courtesy of the artist
Les homeless
Les homeless ne vivent pas dans la rue
Ils attendent que le ciel se jette sur eux chaque soir
Un ciel chargé de tou…
Alice-Catherine Carls
- Jewish Museum Berlin / Photo by Davie Dunn / Flickr Mommy, mommy repeated Tyre Nichols with his last breaths kicked by the boots of five policemen under his mother’s window in Memphis…
Francis Meslet, Forgotten Libraries series (2023) / Translator’s note: Almost thirty-five years have passed since the democratic awakening of central Europe, yet despite being pr…
For Shizue Ogawa, creating is more important than publishing and selling, and yet her readership has been steadily growing in Japan and internationally. Her poetry paints the world with serenity and w…
Serge Chamchinov is a man of many languages and a scientist, visual artist, writer, and book binder. He creates first, then self-promotes his books through book reviews, exhibitions, and poetry festiv…
Italo Lanfredini, Piroghe-Mari (2019–21), 55 x 440 x 82cm, no. 2, pieces of poplar, gilding, shavings, and 56 poetic cards, Villa Medici del Vascello, San Giovanni in Croce, Italy / Courtesy of the…
- Sunrise over Lake Baikal / Photo by Arseniy Chekmarev / Flickr My name is Iaromira Forgive me if I speak of sad things When my footsteps echo in my bones A silence saved me from the word…
- Photo by NCinDC / Flickr He said: Why must they destroy and destroy again? Why must they forget my face my gestures my voice? Why must they believe in my absence even as I stand in front o…
- Giovanni Bellini, Pietà (1505), oil on wood, 65 x 90 cm, Gallerie dell’Accademia, VeniceFor more on the poetry of Pollakówna, read “A Terrible Ecstasy,” a companion essay by Alice-Catheri…
- Quinn Dombrowski, “Velvet Flower,” 2008For more, read “The Renaissance of Zofia Romanowicz,” an essay by Alice-Catherine Carls. The CircleLion fangs, bear claws…